Welcome to Awaken with Amber

Clear Your BS and Manifest Your Life and Business

About MMA:

Clear Your BS and Manifest Success in Business and Life!
Guiding you to BECOME the best version and highest timeline of you.

This Magical Manifestation Academy will help guide you to express your Highest Self in all areas of life.

Based upon the Sacred Medicine Wheel teachings each season. 

This Membership is for you should you:

  • Seek to know who you are and your purpose here on Earth
  • Release fear and control programming 
  • Clear your BS (belief system) to step into a higher version of yourself
  • Immerse in supportive community 
  • Awaken and trust your intuitive gifts and abilities 


  1. Monthly on demand training bundles. Released once a month so you can do them at your own pace. These bundles include meditation, pdf, videos, etc. Only available for our members. 
  2. Soul Family Community. This is off set from other social media apps and exclusive to our community. It's all in one place so we can chat together. 
  3. 2x Monthly Calls. One call each month goes into something special about the season, a teaching, or even an energy activation. The other call is psychic readings done by Amber on your behalf.  Ask any questions you want about your life for a quick reading. 
  4. Live in person bi-monthly gatherings. Meet the group as we gather for dinner bi-monthly. 

This Membership supports you in THREE different topics:

  1. Healing: This is where your BS (belief system) is at. The things that block us from having the Light and Love enter in your life. 
  2. Embodiment: Embodiment of the best time line in this life. Activating the best version of you.
  3. Manifestation: Learning to bring in the magic of creation. 

About Amber

Amber Poole is an Intuitive Transformation Manifestation Coach who as done energy healing, mediumship and psychic readings for over a decade. She has helped 8,000 clients get in alignment with who they are and what they want in life. She has done numerous workshops on manifestation and helps people connect with their purpose. She is a talented energy healer, psychic, medium who offers 1:1 coaching sessions.